Born 1949, Germany

Lives and works in Germany

Willi Siber is a Germany-based sculpture and abstract artist working with steel, wood and epoxy and which blur the line between sculpture and picture.

Willi Siber is a sculptor and painter. His artistic work cannot be assigned to a particular genre, as it has long transgressed the border between painting and sculpture. It approaches what the artist refers to as “transformation,” or a sculpture-picture object. On the one hand, the artist’s work solves the classic problem of sculpture. On the other hand, these are paintings nestled between figure and base. Taken together, they release the viewer from tradition with an innovative and creative approach.



M.A. in Sculpture, State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart


B.A. in Art and Sciences, Stuttgart University

oct. 2018

Galleria Kanalidarte_italy


‘Endless’, Galerie P13, Heidelberg, Germany

‘La magie des choses’, Radial Art Contemporary, France 2015

Galerie Ursula Grashey, Konstanz

Caldwell Snyder Gallery, USA-San Francisco

Galerie Klaus Benden, Cologne

Galerie Michael Schmalfuß, Berlin


Galerie P13, Heidelberg

AC Galerie, Herford

Radial Art Contemporain, F-Strasbourg

Galerie Pfaff, Nuremberg

Galerie Carla Renggli, CH-Zug

Gegenwart Kunsthalle Villa Rot, Burgrieden-Rot


Galerie Werner Wohlhüter, Leibertingen-Thalheim

Bildtafeln und Wandobjekte, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong

Caldwell Snyder Gallery, USA-San Francisco

Conny Dietzschold Gallery, AUS-Sydney

Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich (K)


Galerie Schrade, Karlsruhe

Sakamotocontemporary, Berlin

Galerie Oben, Chemnitz, Germany

Karlsruhe Galerie Schrade, Karlsruhe, Germany


Galerie Braunbehrens, Munich, Germany

SAKAMOTOcontemporary, Berlin Germany

Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong


Gallery LandskronSchneidzik, Nuremberg

Gallery kind House, Bregenz, Austria

BMB gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Galeries Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart

Gallery Klaus Benden, Cologne


Galerie Benden & Klimczak, Köln

Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Städtische Galerie Ravensburg

Galerie art felchlin, Zurich, Switzerland

Galerieverein Leonberg

Galerie Grashey, Konstanz

Galerie Dom’Arte, Rucphen/Roosendaal, Niederlande


Kunstverein Reutlingen

Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Galerie Carla Renggli, Zurich, Switzerland

Galerie Werner Wohlhüter, Leibertingen-Thalheim

Galerie Axel Holm, Ulm

Galerie Pfaff, Nürnberg


Conny Dietzschold gallery, Sydney

Caldwell Snyder Gallery, San Francisco (with Jupp Linssen)

Mansion Merkel, Esslingen, Werksbesichtigung

Gallery Maulberger, Munich, kind buzzer and open kind

Gallery lock Mochental, Ehingen/Danube, work work

Gallery kind house, Bregenz

Gallery Christine Phal, Paris (with Jupp Linssen)


Gallery Dom’Arte, Rucphen/Roosendaal, the Netherlands

Gallery Carla Renggli, course, Switzerland

Gallery Ursula Grashey, Konstanz

Gallery Benden & Klimczak, Viersen, work work


Gallery Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart, doubles match

Gallery Inga Kondeyne, Berlin

Gallery BMB, Amsterdam, doubles match

Gallery Maulberger, Munich


Urban gallery Tuttlingen, ground lot

Gallery kind Felchlin, Zurich, ground lot

Gallery Ulrike Hrobsky, Vienna, color seize

Gallery BMB, Amsterdam, color seize

Gallery Ursula Grashey, Konstanz, of the finest one


Gallery Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart, the force of gravity of the light

Urban gallery in the fruit box, ox living, wood move


Gallery in the preacher, Swabian Gmünd, area food

KIND House, Bregenz, Austria, lots close

Gallery Grashey, Konstanz, consistent openly


Gallery Werner well-being guardian, Leibertingen Thalheim, never besides

Gallery Benden & Klimczak, Cologne, unsecured inflexibly

Marquardt exhibitions, Munich, decided therefore

Gallery Inga Kondeyne, Berlin, remarkable quietly


Gallery Borkowski, Hanover, in the fragment light

Gallery kind House, Dornbirn, Austria, wood objects

Gallery Benden & Klimczak, Viersen, view traps

New lock, Kisslegg, designs and objects

Gallery Wulkopf, Lindau, QUIET 3


Urban Kunstmuseum, singing, accurate fantasy

Gallery Grashey, Konstanz, tumult of the silence

Gallery Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart, barbarian beautifully

Art association Eislingen, calculated anarchy


Gallery Doris Wulkopf, Darmstadt, accurate fantasy

Art association Zofingen, Switzerland, accurate fantasy


Art association Rastatt, Pagodenburg, it is inherent in a charm

Urban Kunstmuseum donating house, Reutlingen, accurate fantasy


Gallery Grashey, Konstanz, time joint Moll


Gallery germ, Stuttgart


Gallery Doris Wulkopf, Darmstadt, plastics, objects, pictures

Gallery lock Mochental, sculptures and pictures


Art association Esslingen, Körper and Platten

Gallery Grashey, Konstanz, work on paper


Gallery germ, Stuttgart, objects and pictures

Art association Pforzheim, mono body and videodiscs


Urban gallery Ostfildern, wood plastics and pictures

Gallery Doris Wulkopf, Darmstad


Gallery lock Mochental, painting, plastics, objects


Art yard gallery Schrade, Lindau, sculptures in wood

Gallery Györfi, gentleman mountain


Urban gallery Bad Waldsee, work in wood


‘Shifting Surfaces’, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong

Group Exhibition by Willi Siber & Jupp Linssen, Caldwell Snyder Gallery, St. Helena, California


Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney, 20 Years CONNY DIETZSCHOLD GALLERY

Art association Konstanz registered association, Konstanz, winding and ground

Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney, Victor Bonato & Willi Siber – embankment & Floor Objects


Gallery Maulberger, Munich

Gallery Ulrike Hrobsky, Vienna, Jupp Linssen/Willi Siber


Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje, Slovenia, mating

Gallery Werner well-being guardian, Leibertingen Thalheim, positions of contemporary painting


Gallery Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart, Dietz, Palmtag, Siber

Gallery Maulberger, Munich, open kind

Architectural association Freiburg, festival of the area

Gallery throne, Reutlingen, woodcut today

Gallery Landskron, Nuremberg, Impulse


Gallery Benden & Klimczak, Cologne, art Cologne 2004

Annual exhibition of the artist federation of Baden-Wuerttemberg in the monastery Schussenried Art


Federal state representation Baden-Wuerttemberg, Berlin, selected art from Baden-Wuerttemberg Swabian art summer, monastery Irsee

E-work-resounding for art, Freiburg


Wood in the contemporary art, lock oh mountain Bodensee, unterholz

Gallery Carla Renggli, course, Switzerland, four friends

Urban Kunstmuseum donating house, Reutlingen, interfaces XYLON


Museum Bochum, in wood cut House of the economy, Stuttgart, tree-strongly


Cédric, France, La Figure EN question – peinture et sculpture EN Allemagne dans les années 80 Séléstat

Artist federation Baden-Wuerttemberg, art association Stuttgart


Artist federation German Federal Armed Forces, Städt. Kunstmuseum singing, painting

Artist federation German Federal Armed Forces, urban gallery Schwetzingen, graphics

Urban museum donating house Reutlingen, new aspects in the woodcut


Urban Kunstmuseum Heilbronn & Museum Iwalewa house Bayreuth, the weakened trunk

Lock Randegg, experimental one 98

Art association Mannheim, sculpture in Baden-Wuerttemberg  

National academy wine garden, Triennale time towards. Art upper swabia

Gallery Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart, One piece only

Gallery lock Mochental, spectrum


Mansion Merkel, Esslingen, Lichterloh, 8 positions of the present painting

Lock Randegg, experimental one

Gallery Benden & Klimczak, Viersen, abstract – 4 positions


Lock Randegg, experimental one


Urban gallery “the ferry”, Saulgau, object and plastics


Gallery Doris Wulkopf, Darmstadt, boy art


SkulpTour by Hohenlohe


National art weeks Reutlingen, woods, trunks, bodies – wood plastics in German Federal Armed Forces

 Artist federation Baden-Wuerttemberg, exhibition hall Marienberg, Freiburg Collection Lütze, lock Rastatt, small plastics of the 80’s


Artist federation Baden-Wuerttemberg, mansion Merkel, Esslingen

Large art exhibition North-Rhine/Westphalia, Kunstmuseum Duesseldorf

Space installation with 58 wood objects, town hall Ostfildern


Artist symposium rice churches, in the villages – from the cities


Gallery under tower, Stuttgart, play

Signatures, artist federation German Federal Armed Forces, art association Stuttgart

Large art exhibition North-Rhine/Westphalia, Kunstmuseum Duesseldorf


Artist federation Baden-Wuerttemberg, art association Karlsruhe


Large art exhibition Bayreuth, art association Bayreuth

Large art exhibition North-Rhine/Westphalia, Kunstmuseum Duesseldorf


House at the Lützowplatz, Berlin, May salon

Artist federation Baden-Wuerttemberg, mansion Merkel, Esslingen


Annual exhibitions – Württembergi art association, Stuttgart

The German Parliament

Reutlingen, Germany

Deutsche Bank

German Embassy, Buenos Aires

City Art Museum Spendhaus, Reutlingen

Municipal Museum of Art, Singing